Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Well...It's Wednesday...I'm eating a turkey sandwich (tryna go on a diet I hear wheat bread n turkey does the trick) and I get an IM from my girlfriend of 1 year and 4 months stating she wants to end the "break" we are having currently since last week. We have some problems that are, in my opinion, detrimental to the bond we share. I won't get into the problems simply because I don't know you guys like that (lmao bad joke, bad joke? nah i just don't want to write all that here) . However, I can tell you what I feel love means to me and why I fight for it so my girl and I can be happy.

Love. What in the world is that word? It's so awesome that no one can put a meaning to it. It has so many definitions. It's weird because I'd figure that if a word had that much would be more than 4 letters like supercalifragilisticexpialidocious; but we can also live with the saying "big things come in small packages." This word's history has been passed down for ages as different words. Greeks had different forms of it: Eros (sexual love) philia (friendship love) and agape (caring for someone you don't even know) It's a real sight to behold how much praise this word has gotten. So my only question is...why is it such a harlot? Everybody uses it underestimating its true power. Even I mess up A LOT and use it for stupid reasons. It seems too delicate and detailed, too deep and beautiful for it to be used as if it is some common word. Well, that's how society claims it. I feel that you have the freedom to say a lot of things and you can tell yourself how much one word means to you. In my opinion, this word is awfully beautiful and there is a reason as to why its so sensitive. I love love. I find it precious, crazy and a true definition of "life on the edge." See, when you say you love your significant other, you are also saying I want to be with you where ever you go. I don't know where we gonna land but I know if you are co-captain I put absolute faith and trust in you. That's how its suppose to be. Love (or at least that form of love)is hard to keep but once you have it in your grasp, its all about maintaining it's beauty and keep praising it.

Now I have no idea what will become of me and my girl at this moment and time, but I know I'm losing what made our love. And I need to get that back.....

And Hip Hop Soul.....


  1. Amen, Kyle. I agree 100000.000%

  2. I see you on this one. I have the same dilemma in my relationship. Maybe I'm making love mean something complicated. I just don't want it to be something simple that any fool can come up with. It's gotta be more. As for you, I think you can find it again. Good luck!!

  3. But Mr"WC" love itself is complicated. No one has a straight simple definition on it. You look it up in a dictionary and it doesnt cover what one feels. Its synonyms dont cover what one feels. Its never simple, thats my point. You dont need to complicate it because its already complicated.

    As 4 ky, you already know where this is headed and what came of it. Im not even gonna bother commenting... cuz well im a month late lol
